About Dar-XXX

I'm a girl. From the internet!

I like science fiction and pop culture and fantasy and books and TV shows and comic books and movies. Music is DA BOMB and I can't go out of the house without my iPod or at least a phone that plays music. I love astronauts and space and this two-hearted alien Gallifreyan whose name I still don't know (but I call him The Doctor). 

A life without TV is not life. I watch a lot of it (too much, says Mum). Shows that I've watched  (and will watch) for more than one season are Breaking Bad, Arrested Development, True Blood (haters to the left), Game of Thrones, 30 Rock, Bored to Death, Doctor Who (doh), etc etc etc yada yada toomany2mention almosteverything.

Like everybody else, I love Neil Patrick Harris and photography.

I've always felt that choosing favorite movies is unfair, but some of the movies that I watch more than twice every year (like some sort of sick ritual) are: Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Big Lebowski, 28 Days Later, Amelie, Annie Hall, Mean Girls, High Fidelity, The Godfather I, The Royal Tenenbaums, Zombieland and all Pixar films (well, except Cars).

I'm a patent engineer which means I get things patented. Not all the time but by god, don't I try every goddamn day of every goddamn week. I have always dreamed to be a creative fiction writer and write poems 'til I grow old. I still do that but I've grown old enough to strike a balance. As they say, do things for the bread (day job) and some for the soul (hobbies). Oh, I can whip up a sick computer application too. 

My personal heroes are Kurt Vonnegut Jr., and Stephen Fry.